Cassandra Shuck’s life has been a journey of resilience, transformation, and unwavering dedication to healing and empowerment. Leaving her turbulent home environment before her 17th birthday, Cassandra knew that staying would mean losing herself entirely. She dropped out of high school to pursue a college education, setting the foundation for a lifelong commitment to personal growth and helping others do the same.

Cassandra holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Business, a Master’s in Innovative Entrepreneurship and Shamanic Studies, and a Ph.D. in Spiritual Counseling. Her formal education is complemented by profound, immersive experiences with indigenous tribes across the globe, where she studied shamanism, ceremony, rites of passage, herbalism, and plant medicine.

Her expertise is rooted in teachings from diverse shamanic lineages:

Huna (Hawaiian): Earth and grid line activations.

Q’ero (Peruvian): Earth medicine and Munay-Ki rites.

Shipibo-Conibo (Peruvian): Ayahuasca and transformational plant medicine ceremonies.

Inga (Colombian): Plant allies and higher states of consciousness.

Mayan (Mexican): Mushrooms, rites of passage, and ancestral healing.

Toltec (Mexican): Personal responsibility and soul-purpose alignment.

Siberian: Timelines and purposeful living.

Blessed by these lineages, Cassandra integrates their teachings to serve the greater good of the planet. She also incorporates modern healing modalities such as NLP, hypnosis, holotropic breathwork, yoga, and meditation into her work, reflecting her core belief that

all things are medicine.

From the media you consume to the energy you share with others, every aspect of life has the potential to heal or harm. Cassandra integrates expertise in bio-emotional and bio-medical wellness with traditional ceremonial practices, offering a unique approach to transformation.

Cassandra’s journey has evolved from orchestrating high-profile corporate events, such as Super Bowl advertisements, to facilitating deep personal transformation through breathwork, yoga, and ceremonial guidance.

Today, her focus lies in three transformative areas:

Freedom from Pharmaceuticals

Cassandra’s personal battle with Western medicine, which left her on 14 medications by age 20, ignited her mission to offer alternatives. Diagnosed with CPTSD due to her upbringing, she created herbal protocols to help herself—and now thousands of clients—break free from dependence on SSRIs, pain medications, blood pressure drugs, and other prescriptions. Her approach combines herbal protocols, nutritional supplements, and dietary support for lasting health and vitality.

Healing the Mother Wound

Cassandra recognizes the deep societal and ancestral patterns that perpetuate the “mother wound.” In a patriarchal system, mothers often bear the weight of generational trauma, unconsciously passing it on. Cassandra empowers individuals to become the “breaker of chains,” creating a new legacy for the next generation. Her work has transformed the lives of hundreds, paving the way for conscious, supported parenting.

Aligning to Soul Purpose

Every individual has a unique soul purpose—a mission for being here on Earth at this time. Cassandra helps clients reconnect to their purpose, fostering balance and harmony across physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. When this alignment occurs, resistance dissolves, and life becomes a seamless integration of passion and peace.

Cassandra’s work is a fusion of ancient wisdom and modern techniques, offering her clients a unique path to healing, growth, and fulfillment. As a medicine woman and ceremonialist, she continues to walk her path with integrity, helping others rediscover their inner power and align with their highest potential.

Studies & Certifications

Master’s of Shamanic Studies from Northern Way Esoteric Theological Seminary

Doctorate of Spiritual Counseling from Northern Way Esoteric Theological Seminary

Ayurvedic and Integrative Medicine Certification

Registered 200-Hr Yoga Teacher

Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher

Labor Support and Bereavement Doula

Holotropic Breathwork Certification

Master Practitioner of NLP

Mental Emotional Release Practitioner


MySelf Minister with Psanctuary

Friends & Family Minister with Psanctuary

Advanced Practitioner of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Meditation

Abundant Yogi Life Coaching Certification

... and more!